
JASS – Junior Award Scheme for Schools

Anfield School is one of few schools in Hong to provide the Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS) for our students. Children in Year 5 work towards their Bronze Award then move onto their Silver Award in Year 6.

This year, we are excited to launch the JASS awards to our Year 4 students who will be working towards their Blue Award. 

The Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS) is a progressive learning programme for young people which is designed to recognise wider achievements. The programme is structured into four sections, designed to stretch different aspects of developing confident individuals.

  • Adventure: outdoor activity and learning, including teamwork and problem solving
  • Get Active: Stay Active: taking part in sport and physical activity
  • My Interests: developing an interest or learning a new skill
  • Me and My World: contributing to the local community

Our students take part in outdoor activities and adventures, pursue personal passions and volunteer in the wider community to work towards achieving their award. It supports our students in their transition from primary to secondary school and the objectives are aligned with the wider learning objectives of the National Curriculum, making it easy to run alongside and incorporate existing curricular activities.