Inclusive Learning
SEN Provision at our Whampoa Campus
Anfield International Kindergarten & Nursery, is an inclusive school and welcomes children with specific SEND. We provide differentiated services to scaffold the learning of children who may need additional support through a range of provisions.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) works within our Whampoa campus 2 days per week. Their role is to support the learning of all students and to provide strategies and guidance to teaching staff in order to best meet the needs of the students in their class. The SENCO may work with individuals small groups on a push-in/pull-out model from time to time.
Bosco Bears Class
The Bosco Bears Class is a smaller class-size, with a higher adult to student ratio, following the EYFS curriculum. This allows for more differentiated teaching and learning, aimed at leveraging the strengths, abilities and motivation of the children.The staff within the Bosco Bears class are able to tailor individualised learning with a view to supporting students to move towards our mainstream classes with or without additional support.
SEN Teaching Assistants
For children who may require 1:1 or 1:2 support in mainstream classes, SEN teaching assistants may provide shadow support, working as a team alongside the class teacher to ensure the child is able to access learning.
On-site Preschool Rehabilitation Services
Anfield is an OPRS participating Kindergarten. Inter-disciplinary service teams from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) provide on-site services such as speech and language therapy and occupational therapy in our premises. We work in partnership with external agencies to provide collaborative learning support for our children.