
Snack & Lunch


Childhood is a critical time for growth and development, and snacks provide important nutrients that your child needs between meals. During the school week, this means children should bring a nutritious mid-morning snack to school to meet the nutrient demands of their growing bodies and brains. Snack time is built into the school day and is a social time whereby students and staff can interact with each other during morning break.

Anfield St. Bosco Koon Ying Is A NUT FREE School, Students MUST NOT Bring Any Nut Products In Their Snack.


Students are required to have lunch provided by parents. The students will eat lunch together in class, which is a comfortable and safe atmosphere, monitored by several members of staff. During lunchtime, children will practise correct table manners, etiquette and expected hygiene routines. Clean and organised lunch boxes should be brought into the school with the student at the start of each day or can be dropped off at a designated time before lunch. All food should be prepared to encourage children to eat independently and items such as fruit should be cut into appropriate bite sized portions. Anfield St. Bosco Koon Ying encourages healthy and nutritious meals. Please note that there is no lunch facility at the school and no facility for heating lunches.