
Our Parents

our Parents in partnership

At Anfield St. Bosco Koon Ying School we recognise the enormous benefit of working closely and in partnership with our parents. We value the opportunity to share your child’s learning journey with you in different ways throughout the school year and want to support your understanding of the learning and teaching which is taking place in our school. As parents of students with additional needs, we recognise the need for us to work closely with a range of additional adults who may be supporting your child’s learning journey and we value the opportunity to work with you to make a positive difference in your child’s life.

Sharing the learning journey with you

At Anfield we have an ‘open-door’ policy and welcome regular communication between parents and our staff. Parent/Teacher Consultations are held three times a year, in November, April and June to discuss student wellbeing and attainment progress. Written reports for parents are also produced in November (Settling-in report) and June (End of Year report). Throughout the year, we host a number of parent workshops in order to facilitate a strong learning partnership between home and school. Through attendance at these events, parents feel empowered to support their child’s learning and are better informed about the methodologies and practice’s being used in the classroom.