
Wider Learning Opportunities


We are committed to providing a high level of education to all of our children. To support this, we have a range of additional curriculum opportunities which we provide on our campus and beyond.

After School Clubs

We offer a wide range of After School Clubs throughout the year which allow the children to further develop a range of skills including maths, English, Mandarin, music, artistic creativity, physical development and many more. These clubs are run by our Anfield teachers and give the opportunity for the children to engage with peers from other classes and year groups, which is great for confidence and social skills. The clubs offered vary throughout the year and details can be found on our social media pages or the news and events section of the website.

Holiday Camps

Our holiday camps run during our Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays and are offered to all children. Similar to our After School Clubs, the camps provide the children with opportunities to further develop skills through fun and engaging activities, all whilst developing more relationships with their teachers and peers. The camps follow themes, or a story to focus the learning and engage the children.

Field Trips

Linked to the ‘Understanding the World’ area of our curriculum, field trips provide the children with fantastic opportunities to learn about their local community and gain new experiences outside of the immediate school environment. We include visits to places such as museums, libraries, markets, and parks, as well as places such as the local Flower Market in the lead up to Chinese New Year. 


Allowing the children to take part in cooking activities enables them to not only learn about skills such as measuring and following instructions, but also life skills. In our child’s kitchen we have a great range of resources enabling children to experience cooking and baking at an appropriate level for them. Our teachers expose the children to foods and recipes from all over the world, opening their senses to the wonder of food. 

School Library

The children visit our school library each week and enjoy a class storytime with their teacher. They then have the chance to select an English book to take home and enjoy with their family. Once in K2, the children will take home two books; one English and one Mandarin. Reading and enjoyment of books supports continued language development and helps to foster a love of reading. Additionally, children in our K2 classes are sent home with an age appropriate reading book once they start to recognise sounds and blend them together to read words.

Special Themed Days/Festivals

We celebrate a number of themed days and festivals throughout the year to further develop the children’s learning and understanding of the diverse world we live in. As well as Chinese New Year, we enjoy celebrating Christmas, Diwali and Easter. Our themed days include World Book Day, International Day and our annual Teddy Bear Picnic. Our Anfield School Fair is also a big event in the school calendar. These events allow us to bring our families together to celebrate and share in each other’s joy. Our children will put on performances to share with one another and showcase their talents.


Makaton is a language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. For those who find communication difficult, Makaton is a great way to remove frustration and allow people to connect with others and the wider world around them. We introduce a range of signs to all of our children as part of our inclusive ethos and then use Makaton in some of our singing performances. 

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths).

Alongside the curriculum, we use this educational approach to plan and carry out activities which will allow our children to question why things happen, problem solve and evaluate outcomes. These types of activities always provide opportunities for lots of language development as the children talk through their observations. They are also subjects which can be connected to real life solutions the children may use in their future. 


Mindfulness is something we are very passionate about at Anfield, as we are developing the whole child. Mental health is incredibly important. Mindfulness is the ability to be aware of our feelings, where we are and what we’re doing, and this must be taught to the children so they don’t become overwhelmed in certain situations. In school, we use age appropriate stories, activities and games to learn mindfulness strategies and coping skills.


We like to welcome visitors to our school who can come and talk to our children and open their eyes to the wider world. We link the visitors to the themes we are teaching, welcoming police officers, fire fighters, animal experts and more!